World Evangelism Podcast

Building a Selfless and Lasting Relationship

September 18, 2024 W. Austin Gardner Season 1 Episode 44

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What happens when love is more than just a feeling? In today's episode, we promise to uncover the secrets to maintaining a loving and healthy marriage through the wisdom of the Bible. We’ll explore the pitfalls of self-centeredness and the critical importance of prioritizing and protecting your spouse. Drawing lessons from the story of Abram, we highlight the dangers of selfish actions and the neglect of marital responsibilities. Our discussion underscores the idea that true love is about giving and enduring, even when it’s not convenient or easy.

Join us as we challenge the quid pro quo mindset often found in relationships. We delve into the profound truths of 1 Corinthians 13, emphasizing that love is about bearing, believing, hoping, and enduring all things. We aim to inspire you to build a marriage that honors and glorifies God by showcasing biblical love and protection. Whether you're newlyweds or have decades of marital experience, our episode offers practical advice for fostering a relationship filled with mutual respect, selflessness, and divine blessings. Tune in and transform your marriage with insights from the Bible's timeless wisdom.

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W. Austin Gardner:

And I mentioned last time, yesterday I mentioned to you that you know he had made himself the important one in the relationship and that he was only worried about himself. And so I think that there's a major warning to all of us to be very careful that we don't let hope. Our marriage and our family revolves around us, and so often dads feel that way. I think sometimes wives get the rough end of it because of the way we treat them. But also he wasn't willing to protect his wife. He was only concerned with his own self. It was part of his plan was if anybody's got to get hurt, let's plan on it being you. One of us is going to get hurt, let's plan on it being you. That's why in Genesis 12, 14, he said boy, they're going to say you're real pretty and uh, and everybody's going to brag on you. And fact is, I'm going to get rich because people like looking at you and taking you into the palace and partying around with you, but it's going to be okay for me. Oh, it's just sex. I'd rather them take advantage of you than take advantage of me.

W. Austin Gardner:

And that became the attitude that Abram showed about his wife. You know, love is not just being there when it's convenient or easy. Love's not just being there when the times are good and the money's there and everything's working out. Love is an action. Love is an action. It's not an emotion. It's not an emotion, and the Bible never mentions feelings at all when it talks about love.

W. Austin Gardner:

I know that you know the passage as well as I do, but in 1 Corinthians, chapter 13 and verse 6, it says that love rejoices not in iniquity, it rejoices in truth. It bears all things, believes all things and hopes all things and endures all things, and it never fails, won't quit. Love will just keep on, keeping on. So love is not about taking advantage of or getting. Love is about giving. Love is not about feeling. Love is about doing, and so in the Bible story, abram has made the mistake of wanting it to revolve around himself and he's made the mistake of not protecting his family. Before I leave this, let's remember that love is giving. Love is giving.

W. Austin Gardner:

The Bible says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That's what love is about, and so many times it's almost like a tit for tat. It's like I do for you, you do for me. It's a quid pro quo. It's a you do for me and I do for you. You do me a favor, I do your favor, you treat me good, I treat you good, you treat me bad, I treat you bad, and that becomes the attitude between husband and wife, and that's just simply not biblical, not what God wants you to do. God wants you to have a marriage that brings honor and glory to his name, and so we want to consider how to make our marriages be wonderfully blessed by God. So protect your wife, don't let things revolve around you, and show biblical love towards your wife.