World Evangelism Podcast

Avoiding Spiritual Pitfalls in Relationships

W. Austin Gardner Season 1 Episode 47

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Have you ever wondered how the pursuit of wealth or security can quietly erode the foundation of your marriage? In this enlightening episode, we journey through the lives of Abraham and Sarah to uncover critical marriage mistakes that stemmed from prioritizing the wrong goals. From offering each other to others to the ill-fated decision of introducing another woman into their union, their story is a compelling lesson on the consequences of misguided priorities. We reflect deeply on 1 Timothy 6:9, which warns of the spiritual pitfalls that await those who chase after riches, and highlight the importance of seeking the kingdom of God above all else.

We discuss how Abraham's and Sarah's experiences serve as cautionary tales, urging us to build strong, God-honoring marriages by prioritizing the right values and leadership. Through practical insights and spiritual guidance, we aim to help you avoid the traps of wealth and misguided goals, ensuring that your relationship remains grounded in faith and love. Tune in to discover how you can transform your marriage and keep it aligned with divine purpose, safeguarding it from the many sorrows that come with erring from the faith.

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W. Austin Gardner:

the next wrong goal that I left off with you yesterday telling you about. You know, abram and Sarai, or Abraham and Sarah, have made marriage mistakes and it will destroy their marriage before it's over. They'll stay married but the intimacy won't be what it was. I think, if you're honest, you can imagine that two times he offered her to other men. That's not very good. And then she offered her another woman to her husband. She didn't have the leadership that he should have from her, from him, and he didn't have the spiritual motivation or challenge of her. That should have been there.

W. Austin Gardner:

But there's another one, and I want to talk to you about it just a tad separately. Because in 1 Timothy, chapter six and verse nine, the Bible says they that will be rich fall into temptation and snare. They that want to be rich, they that desire to have money, will fall into temptation and a snare and, to many, foolish and hurtful lust which drown men in destruction. So did you know that money is like a trap a devil can use against you? He can use it to tempt you, he can use it to cause you not to do what you ought to do. He can use it to get you hurt. We got to have the latest and the best, and we got to be up to date. And so here we are with this attitude, and it brings foolish and hurtful lust, for the love of money is the root of all evil. Some having coveted after, some desired, some wanted it so much that they erred from the faith. They got off the track of serving Jesus and doing what was right with their life. They got off the track and they erred from the faith. Money became more important to them than it was to obey God and honor him in all their life. What a shame, what a hard and terrible truth to be a reality in our lives. But it happened and they were pierced through with many sorrows.

W. Austin Gardner:

I want you to realize, I want you to pay attention to the fact that when you desire the wrong thing, now see what you're supposed to desire is seek ye first the kingdom of God. Let God give you money when you need it. God will give you money, god will provide for you. God will do great things. But what's your goal? Your goal can't be having children, abraham. It can't be safety, abraham, because that'll make you sacrifice your wife. It can't be that, abraham. It needs to be only the kingdom of God. So I'd just like to challenge you to consider these mistakes that I think we can see pretty easily in the life of Abraham and Sarah, and as you look at them and consider them, I pray that you would take them to heart and realize that that's something you want to avoid in your marriage. You want to build a strong marriage that honors Jesus and brings glory to him, so be really careful not to go after the wrong goals.